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  • Origin - tresspasser

  • Nature - detached

  • Boundary - ice cave

  • Size - sleek

  • Nature Features - malachite, azurite

  • Uncommon traits - Stripes (glow faintly), Foot Tufts, Flecks (bright to dim twinkling glow like stars), False Ears, False Ears (again!)

  • Rare traits - Bright Eyes (heterochromia), Flexible tail, Glowing markings

  • Accessory & TF Reward - Glass Crown and Star Sapphire (not shown)

  • Elementals

- Icicles - (These often move, shift, and sometimes float around her. Most often found coiling around her body, following her NF beginning with a half mask covering her silver glowing right eye and continuing on from there)
- Clinging Clouds -  (wisps of thin clouds that always appear windswept and cling to her body and ice.

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Sonata is the length and height of a bus, though her total apparent mass is much smaller when not standing.

Her favorite pastime is to gather as many small Esk as possible in the conservatory and speak stories at them about herself. Yes, I said AT them, they are lesser to her, like small pets.

Will only appear in the polar biome or the Conservatory, where her ice may still cover her eye. Sonata has a deep-seated fear of showing her silver eye without this covering, but she does not know why it scares her so much.


She has a single familiar that is often hidden. Her Indohyus reminds her of what she once was


#1787 - Polar
By Abezai

Sonata has created a room in The Conservatory that is pitch black and cold in a way that has nothing to do with temperature. She only visits in times of fear and unexplainable sadness, but prefers to remain in the brightly-lit areas that other Esk have created. The floor is flat, reflective and slippery like ice and one could walk forever without finding the end as it runs in circles around itself. there is a feeling of being watched, of shadows in the corner of your vision, but when you look, there is nothing but self-doubt. 

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