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The Joyful #1619


Origin traveler 

Uncommon Traits Stripes - False Ears

Rare Traits none

Size Eensy (Mouse)

Nature Piquant

Boundary Mountain Lake 
Nature Feature British Soldier Lichen (cladonia cristatella)

Enchantment Happy Dance + Dancing Lights

Elemental Mud

Familiars Golden Tortoise Beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata), White Witch Moth (Thysania agrippina), Japanese Bee Fly (Bombyliidae Minor), Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis) seasonal coat changes, Neon Day Gecko (phelsuma klemmeri)Indian Blue Mormon Butterfly (Papilio polymnestor)Catbus Velvet Worm (Eoperipatus totoros)


Kiwi is bright, cheery and always concerned about other Esk's happiness. She cannot stand sadness and will do everything in her power to 'fix' things.
She doesn't like humans and absolutely hates litter, especially within her boundary. She doesn't like being wet as it pulls her fur straight and bogs her down. However, mud is very agreeable and she loves the contrast of cooling mud squishing beneath her as the warm sun heats her other side.

  • December 2018


Kiwi has created a room in The Conservatory featuring dark stem and rootless foliage growing out of a muddy island-riddled landscape. Here there is no gravity and fountains of mud sluggishly flow in any direction. There is no discernible ceiling or floor, but it is brightly lit by motes of light that resemble her enchantment and  Esk entering may feel a strong urge to play and dance.

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