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Circe has gone through a lot in her long life. She spent the majority of it identifying as male, but when change came calling in his heart, he realized he wasn't what he was supposed to be.

      Once upon a time, he was satisfied enough in his own skin, out in the desert where he would spend his days as an Esk decorating his boundary with bits and baubles collected from his travels into distant cities, but the more he travelled and saw, the less he felt right with himself and with his lot in life. He longed to see the things he brought back with him where they belonged, in use the way they were meant to be. It felt that in taking them, he was causing them to be lost from their own original purpose. So, when he met Nana, a young and affectionate Esk who missed the people that once frequented her boundary, he felt the need to keep her company and do all that he could to bring back the people Nana so wanted to return. However, he could do little as he was, so far away from his own boundary that his sand was barely a trickle running from his shoulders and his heart fluttered weakly in his chest.

He visited Nana time and time again, feeling less and less for his own Boundary and for his own form each time until, finally, Nana told him he felt lost to her himself.

He had become lost, had become something he no longer wanted to be.

And so...Nana offered to help.

The transformation was glorious, his body stretching out and spreading out to reach into the little pockets of nothingness she had wanted to fill for so long. Hollows she had wanted, and as his boundaries broke down forever, she became limitless and so full of enthusiasm, facing this brand new world in a new light, ready to reach her full potential and to repay Nana for all that she'd done for her.

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Origin abnormal traveler

Nature brazen

Boundary abandoned train station

Size expanded

Uncommon traits socks, spots and stripes, bold markings

Rare traits unusual coverage, flexible tail

Mutations wings, long-bodied, size-shift (body), multiple legs, tails (dynamic), bioluminescence, ravaging growth

Nature Features button cactus

Elementals sand, glass
Accessories Glass Rings

Biome developed

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