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The bold #3696
Arid Biome
His wasteland boundary is flat, full of human trash, and has very little plant life, but what is there, he protects.
Personality like a cat
Size of a Greyhound
Very flexible body
The teardrop markings on his face are pale blue and do not glow. The teardrop markings located on his shoulder, haunches, and base of his tail are white and do glow, as does the white tail tip marking and his eyes.
| Traveler | | Obscure | | Short |
Uncommon: eyespots, socks, bold markings, sleek, false ears, unique markings, tail-tip marking
Rare: flexible tail, bright eyes (glow white in dim light), glowing markings (only white teardrops and tail-tip)
Elemental: Graphic Pen Ink
Accessory: Glass Katana
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